Monday, February 20, 2012


Today is February 20th 2012. Its so weird how fast time has flown by. Yesterday was mine and Dustin's one year anniversary. Holy cow. Its like yesterday we just met. Going to tech every other day, and on the other days I'm working at First Methodist Preschool Nursery. I want a job at Bilo though. :/ Things have changed a lot with me and my old friend who I have spoken about in previous entries. At midnight last night I found the courage to text her just to see if she would reply. I had no intentions of starting a conversation but her response ticked me off and after a while of that, she guessed it was me... I've never really missed someone so much. I mean, I have. But, its just not like this. I missed "him" but we're just best friends now. There is this song that I have been listening to lately. Its called: Somebody That I Used To Know by Gotye. Apparently that is pronounced "Got Cha" xD I love the guys voice on here. But its like 70s and 80s rock on acid. I love it oddly enough. Lol. But for whomever reads this, check Gotye out. Its definitely worth it. And if you don't think so, I'm sorry. :/