Wednesday, March 31, 2010

adding on to yesterday...

So, I definitely do not hate her. I just have finally realized a LOT of stuff that I was blinded by. For the longest time I have always thought of what I had done wrong. What I could have possibly said to make things this way. Never looking at what could have been wrong that she had done. I never wanted to see that. I still don't. But knowing her she probably blames me or is trying to find other excuses to why it could be me. She always told me what was wrong with me. And each and every time I would try to fix it. I'd tell her that I wouldn't be that way and she would say yeah right. I was blinded by everything because I loved her. I loved her like my sister. She was someone I really cared for. And because I cared so much for her I truly hurt now. I'm stronger than I was but I'm not completely sane again. In a way, I understand now.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

(suppose to be) outfit for dads concert...

This is what I was GOING to wear but didn't because the shirt didn't come in the mail on time :/

I have officially decided on what I am going to wear to my dads "Rock" concert.(He's in a band named Idlewilde South) After weeks of contemplating this I have officially Polyvore'd what I am wearing(thank god!) Hope you like! ((you gots to clicky on it!))

Find me on Polyvore

Everything is actually very cheap...well except that headband. But I've already made one similar to it so no problem there! :D

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Saint Patrick's Day!!!