Sunday, August 29, 2010

New School Year :)

So our Internet was struck by lightning about two weeks ago and I have not been able to post anything :( Luckily, its fixed now and I am able to finish college applications so my aunt won't jump down my throat again xD
Anyway, I have started my Senior year in high school! When we first received our schedules I found that I had NO electives and my dismissal started at 12:30. So I asked for another class and now I have Image Editing! :D I get to go home with my friend Hadley every day after school and that's a lot of fun considering that shes a reckless driver. My classes are 1p- Art1 Rayfield 2p- Spanish3 Palmera 3p- Prob&Stat Cannon 4p- Chemistry2 Allison 5p- English4 Pierce 6p- ImEd Morgan :) I really like my classes this year. Well, all except my Chemistry class. There are a bunch of ignorant immature people in there and I only have one friend :/ So that really sucks. I love my English class! Mrs. Pierce is sooo funny! I'm really glad that I have her instead of Mrs.Allan or whoever else is teaching English4. :)


  1. Oh senior year.. good memories!

    PS Loove your image at the top!

    PPS Came across your blog link thru Following you/listed you on my blog!


  2. I found your blog the same way as Blair.

    I absolutely hated high school, until senior year. At that point, I just figured nothing really mattered anymore. Haha.

  3. I'm so late >.< I just saw both of your comments! Thanks Blair! I made the image myself using Gimp. My favorite painting and music notes overlayed on it :) And Bre, I hate my high school. Its so small. We're 2A so everyone knows everyone.
    I'm so happy you both found my blog through Gurl! xD
